Monday, October 21, 2019

Counting Beans

Today we began our second math unit by counting beans. Mrs. Fischer had a sandwich sized baggies of little white beans and we estimated how many were inside. Our estimates ranged from 70 to 7,000! Then we collaboratively organized the individual beans into cups of ten and leftover ones. Finally, we worked together to turn our tens into hundreds, and eventually thousands! We counted 1,444 beans! Unbelievable!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fun Run 2019!!

Today was the perfect day for Orchard’s third annual Fun Run! The second graders cheered on their friends, ran two laps, and had a day!

Miss Meg’s Engineers!

Our student teacher, Miss Meg, led an engineering lesson all about nature’s engineer: the beaver! The second graders planned, built, and tested beaver dams!